The plains of the Calabrian Pollino

The plains of the Calabrian Pollino

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Codice C009 Categorie , Tags , , , ,

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An excursion to the heart of the Pollino National Park between the plains of Masistro and Novacco at about 1300 meters above sea level. The nature trail, 5 to 7 km long, starts from Piano di Novacco and crossing the valley of the grass, arrives at the Masisto plain where, between imposing beech trees and suggestive clearings, a wonderful panorama opens up which, when changing of the seasons, it always offers new and different emotions.

The Piano di Novacco, surrounded by the heights of the Serra di Novacco (1618 meters) and the Timpone di Scifarello (1763 meters), is a flat shaded area on the edge of a thick beech forest.

Crossing the plateau of Valle dell’Erba, you arrive at a spectacular clearing framed by a monumental beech wood: Piani di Masistro.

Passing the first plateau, you arrive on the Piano di Mezzo and then on the majestic Piano Grande.

The depression of karstic origin is enchanting and the area is considered of exceptional naturalistic and landscape interest. Here roe deer and wolves reign supreme, and it is easy to admire various species of birds of prey. Return to the hotel for lunch.

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